Quickbooks Move Somethings Not Quite Right Try Again Later

Sometimes sending an Invoice or a Purchase order to QuickBooks Online can result in an error message from QuickBooks. It is usually because QuickBooks needs additional information to save this transaction or a simple setting update.

Below are the most common error messages and how to solve the issue:

- "Message" refers to the error message from QuickBooks
- "Solution" is what we suggest you do to fix the error



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It is not possible to delete a product that is still in an open sales order.

The product you are trying to remove is in a transaction that was not sent to QuickBooks.

Complete your sale / purchase / delivery and send your documents to QuickBooks (if possible).

Priority research:

- An unprocessed quote
- An unbilled order
- An invoice, delivery or purchase order not sent to QuickBooks

Duplicate Document Number Error : You must specify a different number. This number has already been used. DocNumber=#I000000 is assigned to TxnType=Invoice with TxnId=269" Code: 6140 The document number already exists in QuickBooks.
Check the last document number in QuickBooks and update the document number in erplain accordingly.
Click here for more details.

The selected tax: "Example" is not a Purchase Tax on QuickBooks

The selected tax is not recognized as a purchase tax by QuickBooks.
Map your tax with a QuickBooks purchase tax. Apps > Configure QuickBooks > Taxes


The selected tax "Example" is not a Sales Tax on QuickBooks.

The selected tax is not recognized as a sales tax by QuickBooks.
Map your tax with a QuickBooks sales tax. Apps > Configure QuickBooks > Taxes


The tax "Example" isn't mapped with a tax on QuickBooks
The selected tax is not mapped with a QuickBooks tax.
Map your tax with a QuickBooks tax. Apps > Configure QuickBooks > Taxes

Business Validation Error: An unexpected failure occurred. Code: 6000

The selected tax is not recognized by QuickBooks.
Map your tax with the right QuickBooks tax. Make sure not to map a tax with a rate. Apps > Configure QuickBooks > Taxes
Click here for more details.
Business Validation Error: The transaction needs to be in the same currency as the A/R and A/P accounts you use. Code: 6000

The Account Payable (A/P) Account for the currency is not mapped to the right QuickBooks account.
Map your A/P Accounts for each currency. Apps > Configure QuickBooks > Ledger Accounts

Click here for more details.
Business Validation Error: You are not allowed to modify the quantity of an inactive inventory item. Code: 6000

A product/service is inactive in QuickBooks.
Check your product/service(s) status in QuickBooks and activate them when necessary.

Click here for more details.

Invalid Reference Id: Line.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemRef Code: 2500

Invalid Reference Id : Product/Service assigned to this transaction has been deleted. Before you can modify this transaction, you must restore "Name" (deleted). "Name" (deleted) Code: 2500

PurchaseOrder has to be enabled in Settings Code: 9334

Purchase Orders are not activated in QuickBooks.
In QuickBooks, activate Purchase Orders. QuickBooks >
Accounts and Settings > Expenses
Click here for more details

String length specified does not match the supported length.

A caracter sting is too long for QuickBooks.
Check the product/customer/supplier card assigned to the document and search for unusually long caracter string(s).


Business Validation Error: Select a product or service Code: 6000

Shipping costs are not actived in QuickBooks.
Check your shipping cost settings in QuickBooks and activate shipping cost.

Click here for more details.

The name supplied already exists. : Another customer, supplier, or employee is already using this name. Please use a different name. Code: 6240 A contact already exists in QuickBooks under the same name.
Rename the contact in erplain or QuickBooks.

Click here for more details.

We were not able to execute that operation. Message from QuickBooks: "The name supplied already exists. : null" Code: 6240

Invalid Reference Id: Name element id 1207 not found Code: 2500

The selected customer or supplier is not active.

Activate the customer/supplier from QuickBooks.


The account period has closed and the account books cannot be updated through through the QBO Services API. Please use the QBO website to make these changes.". Code: 6210 or 6
Product creation date in erplain does not match the account period. Create a substitute product from erplain or create a new product from QuickBooks and map it with your product in erplain.

Business Validation Error: You can't create or modify a transaction with a date that comes before you started tracking quantity on hand for the following: "Example". Code: 6000

Change the date of the transaction or change the Start inventory tracking date in QuickBooks.

Click here for more details.

Transactions with inventory (QOH) products cant be dated earlier than the Inventory Start Date for the product Code: 6270

Invalid Number : _none Code: 2090

Accounts are not set for your products.
Check your QuickBooks ledger account settings and map your accouts. Additionally, make sure your accounts are active in QuickBooks. Apps menu > Configure QuickBooks > Ledger Accounts

Click here for more details.

Product description is too long. QuickBooks authorize a maximum of 4000 characters in the description.

A product description is too long.
Check your product description. Descriptions including code often exceed 4000 characters.
There is already a product with the name "Example" on QuickBooks and QuickBooks doesn't support having multiple products with the same name. Please change the name of the product and re-submit it to QuickBooks.

A product already exists under the same name in QuickBooks.
Rename this product in QuickBooks or in erplain.

Business Validation Error: You must select an account for this transaction. Code: 6000
A product is not set for Sales or Purchasing in QuickBooks. QuickBooks > Sales Menu > Products & Services > Edit Product Click here for more details.
"ObjectParserError: Request Body is Empty" Code : 2310 Some characters in your Terms and Conditions or in the customer details are not accepted by QuickBooks.

For T&C's, clear formatting and delete line breaks. Then start formatting again from erplain.
Click here for more details

Duplicate document error

In QuickBooks, a similar document has the same number. After checking the last used number in QuickBooks, edit the transaction in erplain an change the document number acordingly to preserve the natural sequence of numbers in QuickBooks.

Business Validation Error: An unexpected failure occurred. Code: 6000

Check if your tax is mapped to the right tax in QuickBooks.
Apps menu > Configure QuickBooks > Taxes

Note: Sometime, rates are mixed up with taxes of the same name in QuickBooks. It is important to check that your tax is mapped to a tax and not a rate.

Business Validation Error: The transaction needs to be in the same currency as the A/R and A/P accounts you use. Code: 6000

If you use a different currency for a Purchase Order, make sure the Account Payable for this currency is well mapped to its corresponding QuickBooks account.
Apps menu > Configure QuickBooks > Ledger Accounts

The selected products/services are inactive in QuickBooks

In QuickBooks, you can change your product status. To find inactive products, we recommend you to filter on the product status. Once you found your product in the list, make it active.
QuickBooks > Sales Menu > Products

PurchaseOrder has to be enabled in Settings Code: 9334

In QuickBooks, activate Purchase orders.
QuickBooks > Accounts and Settings > Expenses

Business Validation Error: Select a product or service Code: 6000

In QuickBooks, activate your Shipping costs.
QuickBooks > Accounts and Settings > Sales

The name supplied already exists. : Another customer, supplier, or employee is already using this name. Please use a different name. Code: 6240

QuickBooks does not allow having multiple customers with the same name.
If a customer profile is to be replaced by a new one in QuickBooks, you can simply rename it to "Name_OLD" and then deactivate it to avoid confusions.

Note: Customers can be renamed in erplain or QuickBooks.

Transactions with inventory (QOH) products cant be dated earlier than the Inventory Start Date for the product Code: 6270

If you change the date of a transaction to a date where not all the products included in that transaction had not been created, QuickBooks will return this error message.  For example,  if you create a product today, and create a Purchase Order today but with a date that is before today (before the creation date of the product), QuickBooks will not allow this transaction.
Change the date of the transaction or change the Start inventory tracking date in QuickBooks. You can do that by opening the Product in QuickBooks and change the "As of date":
QuickBooks > Open product > Starting Value > As of date

Invalid Number : _none Code: 2090

Check your QuickBooks ledger account mapping and map your accouts. Additionally, make sure your accounts are active in QuickBooks.
Apps menu > Configure QuickBooks > Ledger Accounts

A product is not set for Sales or Purchasing in QuickBooks

Make sure to set your products or services for Sales or Purchasing. QuickBooks > Sales Menu > Products & Services > Edit Product.It could also be that the tax used for your transaction is not set up for sales/purchases. If your products are set up correctly in QuickBooks, please check your tax as well.

"ObjectParserError: Request Body is Empty" Code : 2310

Some hidden characters in your Terms and Conditions are not accepted by QuickBooks. Clear formatting and delete all line breaks. Then start formatting again from erplain.

Settings > PDF settings > Terms and conditions

This message can also show if a character is not accepted by QuickBooks in your customer details. For example:


Source: https://support.erplain.com/en/support/solutions/articles/77000434315-quickbooks-online-error-messages

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